Sentimental Blog with Quotes and Relationship Stories
“In your life’s journey, there will always be excitement and fulfillment, boredom and routine, and even the occasional train wreck..But when you have picked a dream that is bigger than you personally, that truly reflects the ideas that you cherish, and that can positively affect others, then you will always have another reason for carrying on.” Pamela Melroy
“Believe in yourself. Believe that the universe is friendly and on your side.” Quotes from a book called Believe, a book that Kathy Williams gave to me.
I used to believe that the Peace Corps is for everyone. This belief, however is incorrect. The Peace Corps requires a number of qualities, such as humor and patience. An ability to manage your expectations. An ability to accept challenges and failures. Ultimately, Peace Corps is a minimum two year commitment. We can extend if we wish, but two years is the only commitment that is expected of us once swearing in. Volunteers decide to skip out and leave early for a plethora of reasons, typically because they didn’t realize what a sacrifice Peace Corps can be for volunteers. I think the three top reasons why volunteers have left Panama are due to boyfriends or girlfriends, Illness, and struggling with the community they are serving in. I understand all of these reasons. We are giving up experiences with friends and our families for new experiences with new friends and family. We put our “united states lives” on hold for two years. Ultimately believing the experience we are headed towards in our new communities is worthwhile. And the relationships I have gained are relationships that I would never have imagined. This december, I will become a godmother to my host sisters Sara’s baby. I wouldn’t have ever thought that could happen during my service here in Panama. But I am indeed going to be a godmother and I cannot wait. I will be the godmother for Sara’s new baby boy this December, the due date is December 5th. Boy am I going to spoil this little baby boy. Ultimately, We have two years to make a difference in our communities. Although our projects are important, the relationships we form are so much more important. It unfortunate that so many volunteers don't get that. I can say that the relationship that I have with Sara will last way beyond these two years.
I just finished the re-utilizing charla with 18 women in the community. We met for three hours every week day for 3 hours for 8 weeks. We learned how to make frames, mirrors, earrings, bags made of soda caps, bags made of ship bags, plastic bottle flowers, and so many other things. I actually learned how to crochet! I had such a wonderful time with these women every afternoon for 8 weeks. I actually gave some words of thanks during the ceremony. I told these women not to be surprised if I show up to their homes ready to work. I learned so much from them during this charla. Don’t get me wrong, I struggled learning how to do all of these things. But it was such a great opportunity to hang out with so many women everyday. I feel like that is something that is lacking in my community, an opportunity where women can go and hang out together, tell jokes, talk about our families, whatever. We are supposed to start the charla all over again at the end of October and I cannot wait to spend more time with these women.
I also, last saturday hosted the “event of the year” a charla on waste management. We were talking about all that is waste management. We made an example of compost and an incinerator made out a metal drum. We talked about the dangers of burning trash especially batteries, plastics, cans, and aerosol cans. I also talked extensively about reducing, reusing, and recycling. We finished the day with “square foot gardening (check out mel bartholomew’s book).” The charla went really well. 25 members of the community attended, I had a number of women that participated in the re-utilizing charla attend (they told me that they have my back), and they also showed up early to help cook lunch for the attendants of the “event of the year, waste management seminar.”
We have also recently re-vamped the recycling area in the school, I have included photos in this blog. It looks so great! I have been working away planning the field trip for 48 students on December 4th. I am trying my dam-best to get the field trip fully funded by Panamanian politicians and agencies. The kids and I, along with 7 parents will be visiting the Smithsonian, Explora, and the Natural Sciences Museum in Panama City. The students really want to eat at McDonald’s as well, so I am doing my best to make it all possible. I will actually be visiting the museums next week to confirm our reservations and final prices.
The recycling Project is still going extraordinarily well, we have hosted 12 recycling days and still have 6 more left for this school year. We have launched a new initiative, “recycling champions”, each champion will be winning a recycling shirt. We are also hosted the “Battle of the Classrooms” and will be awarding trophies to classes that win at our end of the year Recycling Thank You for Participating Celebration.
These quotes below have kept me going:
Believe that passion persuades
Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is right here right now. Don’t miss it. Leo Buscaglia
Below I have photos from the re-utilizing Charla, The new recycling Center, Beth and I when we visited an Embera Site in August, The waste management charla, and a photo of me with my kindergarden students---they are wearing badges that say "protector of mother earth."
Thanks for Reading.
Peace and Love, Sonia