Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Fun!

I have recently been commenting to friends that I am overdue for a funny blog. So here goes:

1. I have begun making Spanish sounds when I react to things. For example, if I am surprised by something or something drops to the ground my noise of choice these days is "ayyyyyyyy." I no longer say "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." how ridiculous is that. It's the same if I pause when thinking about something, instead of saying "ugh" it's become more of an "ahhh." I have also been forgetting English at a very scary rate, the other day I had to describe white out to marissa because I couldn't remember how to say it in English. Just imagine how embarrassing this will be 7 months from now, or whichever masters program I get into. Ayyyyyyyy. 

2. I have become a  tad frugal. As my friends can attest, I am a yeah- yeah volunteer, which means I act like I am a peace corps volunteer with money. When I am in panama city I love to splurge on aged cheddar cheese, salami, and wheat thins. And then for the last two weeks before our next pay check I enjoy an overdose of Top Ramon. But recently, purchases that should seem like common sense decisions, I have refused to buy. i.e. I was traveling in Bocas del Toro last month and realized the first day in that I had run out of deodorant. But I knew that in my house (10 hours away) I had several deodorants. My next thought was that I could wait until I got home and not have to buy a new deodorant. It was four days, I would just have to take lots of showers. That rationale can only be the influence of a  peace corps budget. I didn't think deodorant would make me infinitely happier, so I opted out of purchasing it. Ayyyyyyyy.

3. I have begun to seriously consider serving one more year in panama. Gulp. I have been offered a response position to recreate my recycling project in multiple schools in Chitre, Panama. I would have a free place to stay and an extra year to serve the united states of amuuuuuurica. Thoughts? I would still be traveling for 2 months next June after I finish my service in my community and then return to panama for one more year. Ayyyyyyyy. 

As always thanks to those who read this. Happy thanksgiving! I am headed to Cerro Punta, Chiriqui to celebrate with 100 peace corps volunteers. 

Grateful list: if theLA Times makes a grateful list every Thanksgiving, i figure i shouldmake one tooObama's win, Gay marriage in 3 more states, proposition in CA that will help out our educational system, fifty shades of grey, the daily show with Jon Stewart, packages from the United States,  great peace corps friends--- special shout out to Matt, Beth, Bri, and Drea, an amazing peace corps community (I love you Membrillo), great family, great family friends, amazing mentors, incredible ,beautiful, and perfect sisters ( I carry your hearts), rock star parents that never fail to provide me with incredible support and love. I am so lucky and grateful.  Happy thanksgiving to all. 

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, gather up! It's thanksgiving time! 
Peace and love, Sonia

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sonia, it's Melissa from your semester in SanSe. It's interesting to read what you're up to at the Peace Corps. I was considering it for a while but never ended up following through, so it's interesting to hear your adventures. It sounds like you are having fun.

    And when I was most recently in Spain, I noticed the "ayyy" thing, too. Also, here in America, I reacted to a friend's dog clawing at my leather boots with "Ayyy cuidado!" because the last time I encountered a pet animal was when I was in Spain. So those things definitely stick with you!
